Monday, April 20, 2015

We never bribed Legon IT expert - SRC, GRASAG Presidents

Presidents of the Students Representative Council (SRC) and Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) of the University of Ghana, Joshua Dogbe and Reginald Mensah have denied bribery allegations leveled against them by the IT expert who developed the software for the conduct of the elections.

The two claimed on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen Monday that they never made any attempts to persuade Mr. Stephen Forson, the IT expert that conducted the students election to influence the outcome in favour of Muhammad Mikdad, a candidate in the election.

“I didn’t visit in his house…in course of election matters what I remember was a meeting between Forson and myself…,” Joshua Dogbe said on the show.

The designer of the software for the conduct of the Legon elections revealed on Friday April 17, 2015 that Joshua Dogbey tried to bribe him to manipulate the elections in favour of his preferred candidate.

Mr. Forson claimed that Mr. Dogbey and two others including the losing candidate in the April 9, 2015 SRC election, Mikdad Muhammad came to his house at midnight days to the elections to  induce him to rig the elections for a candidate in the elections.

IPRO Solutions Ltd has a five year contract with the University of Ghana (2012-2016), and also runs elections for all the polytechnics and some universities in the country.

Citing his pregnant wife as his witness, he continued that the team from Legon promised to extend his contract with the University SRC if he does their bidding for their candidate to win.

"When they tried and they didn’t succeed, they thought others have also done so…the executioner fears to always lie with his head up of course…,” said.

But these allegations, Mr. Dogbey and Mr. Arthur who were at the studios of Adom and Asempa FMs on Monday said were false and attempts to drag their names into the mud.

While Reginald Arthur insisted he only met the IT Expert on the election day, Joshua said he only met him for "purely administrative matters" adding that the meeting was about a month before the elections and not when the election was approaching.

According to him, the agenda for the said meeting was about Forson’s five year contract with the student body and not to force him to turn the election in favour of a candidate.

The undergraduate student leader noted that the venue for the said meeting was his office in the University of Ghana campus and not in his [Forson’s] home as he alleged.

Reginald on his part expressed surprise that his name was mentioned by the IT guy as one who tried to influence him since he does not even know where the IT expert lives.

“I have never gone to his house…I don’t know his house…if fact [election day] was the only day that I have ever seen him…”, Reginald said.

But Forson who called into the Programme also denied the claims by the student leaders.

Source: Ghana | | KWAKU NTI


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