Monday, April 20, 2015

I have SRC President's 'attempted bribery' evidence - UG IT expert

The IT expert who developed the software for the conduct of the University of Ghana Student Representative Council (SRC) elections, Stephen Forson has revealed that he has in his possession valuable items of the sitting SRC President to prove he attempted bribing him.

The items which he refused to disclose when he spoke on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen are ones which could be obtained only after a visit to his residence.

“…KABA, tell him that his valuables are still with me…also extend my greetings to his fair-coloured girlfriend…,” he insinuated on the show.

The undisclosed items, he said, are all evidences to prove his alleged claims that current SRC President, Joshua Dogbey, GRASAG President, Reginald Arthur and one of the candidates in the election, Muhammad Mikdad tried to bribe him to manipulate the elections in favour of Mikdad.

Mr. Forson on Friday, April 17th, 2015 cited his pregnant wife as his witness. He added that the team from Legon promised to extend his contract with the University SRC if he does their bidding for their candidate to win.

IPRO Solutions Ltd has a five year contract with the University of Ghana (2012-2016), and also runs elections for all the polytechnics and some universities in the country.

"When they tried and they didn’t succeed, they thought others have also done so…the executioner fears to always lie with his head up of course…,” said.

But these allegations, the Presidents of the two student groups said are unfounded stating on the show that they never visited the house of the IPRO Chief Executive Officer.

While Reginald Arthur insisted he only met the IT Expert on the election day, Joshua said meetings between them were for ‘purely administrative matters’ and added that the meeting 
was about a month before the elections and not when the election was approaching.

Joshua said the venue for such meetings were his office on campus.
But Mr. Forson insisted that he still has in his possession certain evidences to prove his allegations.

“Ask them, how I got hold of those items if they had not been to my house…at least as a concerned lady, my wife passed by to look at them…,” he said.

He also added that despite him putting his phone off and the Legon team also taking their phones out during the midnight meeting, he still has in his possession certain evidences to prove they were present in his house.

Mr. Forson who insisted he was acting on the advice of his lawyers said he would provide details when he appears in court with the Legon team.

He further denied a said leaked report from the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) which alleges the software for the elections was tampered with.

“At least when we met the BNI, they denied leaking any report to the media and I have not admitted to anything of that sort…,” he said.

Source: Ghana | | KWAKU NTI


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