Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mixed reactions greet KNUST lecturers' open support for NPP in 2016 polls

The decision by some lecturers of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology to openly declare support for the opposition New Patriotic Party in the 2016 general elections, has been met with mixed reactions.

Although some have commended the group for being bold to openly declare their political affiliations, others have condemned the act as unhealthy and must not be encouraged in schools.

Critics are of the view that such lecturers may attempt to indoctrinate students to believe in their political ideologies and may in some cases also victimize students who disagree with them politically.

But supporters of the idea disagree with this suggestion. They are of the view that lecturers just like other citizens have the right to associate with any party of their choice as long as they do not engage in such political activities on their various campuses which is against the code of conduct in schools.

They have also downplayed suggestions of indoctrination explaining that students at the tertiary level are matured enough to make their political choices without being compelled to do so. Others said such professionals were already engaged in politics albeit secretly, and so there is nothing wrong with those going public.

KNUST NPP Front liners

A group of senior lecturers at the KNUST are mobilizing support from colleague lecturers to support the NPP in the 2016 general elections.

They argue that the NPP possess the intellectual capabilities and policies to develop Ghana at a faster rate hence their decision.

Known as KNUST NPP Front liners, the lecturers say their action is only meant to engineer a win for the NPP come the 2016 elections.

At its inaugural ceremony on Monday, the chairman of the group, Dr. Kwabena Boadu stated that the current state of economy and the numerous challenges facing the country exist due to “deep rooted corruption in government.”

They are therefore convinced that the intellectuals and the middle class in Ghana should “no longer sit and look unconcerned while our dear countries get into an abyss.”

Dr. Boadu therefore appealed to the general public to join the lecturers to support the NPP which according to him is the “best alternative government to salvage our sinking economy.”

“2016 is a must win for our great party,” he declared, adding that “we are ever ready to contribute our quota anyway possible to achieve this goal. I therefore urge all intellectuals to rise up and join the battle.”

UTAG unhappy

Among those criticizing the decision, is the University Teachers Association of Ghana, UTAG.

The General Secretary of UTAG, Dr. Samuel Atintonoo told Accra-based Citi FM that as professionals, it is wrong to openly support a political party.

“From our perspective, we wouldn’t say it is appropriate to do that because we are teachers who teach all kinds of people and so people can belong to political parties as individuals but not as professionals” he explained.

Dr. Atintonoo said UTAG has noticed that lecturers are nowadays called upon to give expert opinion on national issues; a situation he commended and said that is how far lecturers can go.

“Clearly what we are saying is that; it’s not right from our professional point of view as university lectures".

By:Ebenezer Afanyi Dadzie/


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